The Department of 教与学 is committed to preparing educators to work toward equity and justice in a range of education settings, 反对剥削, 排除, 以及人类的边缘化. We aim to do so by combining well-informed educational approaches and teaching strategies with critical examination of relevant sociopolitical contexts. 因此, we are committed to helping current and future teachers as they engage in well-informed ways of thinking about their worlds. Our hope is that this will enable them to make sense of, 并采取行动, 复杂的社交时刻和场景. This includes respecting the perspectives and experiences of students, teachers and community members who may identify themselves in any variety of ways. 除了, we recognize that thoughtful educational praxis requires thinking and action at multiple levels: individual, 公共, 和系统性. We are dedicated to helping teachers as they make meaningful connections between classroom practice, 理论与研究, 教育政策, and the sociopolitical contexts within 哪一个 individuals and groups exist.

Dr. 伊丽莎白·欧文的 新书 在场的力量 这本书最近由鹰头狮出版社出版. “Young children live in the moment as they wonder, 思考, and notice ordinary treasures in everyday life that adults can so easily take for granted,”医生说。. 欧文. “When we take the time to pause, we realize children have much to teach us.”

以不同的儿童和教育家的声音为特色, 在场的力量 也提供研究, 知识, and tools to demonstrate how engaging in a deeper sense of awareness with young learners transforms classrooms, 学校, 及以后. By engaging in reflective inquiry and mindfulness practices together, teachers and young children can co-create vibrant learning environments rooted in justice, 快乐, 和人类.

新  博士. Jennifer Goeke, The Co-Teacher’s Guide: Intensifying Instruction Beyond One Teach/One Support. 这个实用指南提供了具体的内容, detailed strategies for co-teachers looking to expand their instructional methods and involvement beyond the One Teach, 一个支持模型. 包括逐步示例, 实际场景中, and visuals of successful implementations to help you quickly and effectively put these tools into practice, each chapter also highlights specific tensions that can arise in your co-teaching partnership and frames effective solutions to move beyond them efficiently and effectively. While designed for both teachers in a co-teaching pair, the 书’s tools can easily be applied on your own, making this an ideal resource for co-teachers with limited common planning time.

Dr. 坦尼娅马宏升,助理教授 教与学; Dr. 布莉Picower,副教授 教与学; and Dr. 詹妮弗•罗宾逊,教授及执行主任 教育学中心; recently received a $3,692,915 5-year grant for their project entitled “Teacher Quality Partnership grant for the Urban Teacher Residency at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学: UTR@MSU.” Dr. 马洛尼是首席研究员. Picower and Robinson are co-Principal Investigators.

Dr. Mayida Zaal 获得500美元奖金,000 from the Spencer Foundation’s Large 研究 Grant on Education for her study “Teacher Diversity, 保留, 以及穆斯林美国教师”. The grant will support the first national-study of Muslim-American K-12 teachers and will be conducted by a seven-member participatory action research collective, 复兴:ME(穆斯林教育家).

The debate over 哪一个 history to teach in public school is ongoing. In September 2020 the Trump administration prohibited coverage of anti-racist and racial sensitivity training in federal agencies, 批评1619计划, 提出爱国主义教育. 然后是政府, through its Secretary of Education lauded the roll out of the 1776 Unites Curriculum. 这个小组将分享美国在哪里.S. history lessons begin for them and recommend strategies for learning in home based and school classrooms.

小组成员:博士. 莱斯利·威尔逊, 历史学家兼副院长, 人文社会科学学院, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学; Ms.
Kimya Jackson, Teacher and Assistant Principal, Redwood Elementary; Dr. Jessica Ferreras-Stone, Assistant Professor, Western Washington 大学; Dr. Zoe Burkholder, Historian, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学; Mr. Kevin Arroyo; and Moderator: Dr. 丹纳E. Davis, Associate Professor, 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.


The Department of 教与学 offers rigorous training, 创新研究, and a network of partnerships to prepare teachers for the reality of schooling and to be equipped to recognize and disrupt systemic and social inequality.


十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is committed to the creation and development of teachers who strive to exemplify the 知识, 技能, and dispositions required for excellence in teaching.

Photo of teacher with young students in a school hallway.

The centerpiece of our work is a document called the 《十大博彩推荐排名》 哪一个, 通过一系列的声明, embodies 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学’s vision of an educator and informs the evaluation of candidates to the teacher education program, 学生教学的评估, and the professional development of our community of teachers.



九月至五月, all academic departments in the College for Education and Engaged Learning will be open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

During the summer months, from June through August, the 大学 is closed on Fridays. College departments and offices are open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.